Archives of Hokkaido. Kobe University Library. Research Support Office, Faculty of Economics, Oita University. Hoover Institution, Stanford University Search by KeywordTo Advanced Search ...
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National Archives of Japan Digital Archive provides access to the descriptions and digitized images of the historical records preserved by the National Archives of Japan through the utilization of cutting-edge information technology. At anytime and at anywhere, you can search for the descriptions and view the digitized images of the records of historical value in our custody via the Internet.
National Archives of Japan (Kokuritsu Kobunshokan) 3-2 Kitanomaru Koen, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, Japan 102-0091 Telephone: 81-3-3214-0621 Fax: 81-3-3212-8806 Internet: National Archives of Japan. Japan Center for Asian Historical Records [edit | edit source]
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Graziano SAG Lathes - Italy - Machine Tool Archive. Graziano machine tools were made in Tortona, Italy and although a wide range of lathes was manufactured, the company's most popular appears to have been the SAG 180, later to be sold as the improved SAG 14. Obtenir de l'aide en ligne .
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The National Archives was designated as an institution to be shifted to the status of an independent administrative institution, as a result of the guidelines for promoting central government reform (decided by the Headquarters for Promoting Central Government Reform in April 1999), and on April 1, 2001, when an Act amending part of the National Archives Law came into effect, it formally ...
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