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Clausing KONDIA concasseur

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Clausing KONDIA FV300. 4 HP Variable Speed, or Step Pulley Heavy-Duty Knee Mill with Articulated Head SPECS. KONDIA FV300. 4 HP Variable Speed, or Step Pulley Heavy-Duty Knee Mill with Articulated Head Machine Type: Milling Machine Num. of Axes: 3 ...
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Jun 13, 2017· Clausing Kondia FV-300 Knee type Milling Machine. Posted on Jun 13, 2017 Model:FV-300 SN:AC528. R8 Variable Speed Spindle with 4 HP Motor 220/440 Wired 220VAC 3 phase Servo 150 X axis Power Feed Newall Topaz 2 Axis DRO System. …
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Product Description. Clausing Kondia 9″ x 48″ Vertical Milling Machine with X, Z-Axis Powerfeeds. Inventory # 7445. Model: FV-1. S/n: X-641. Made in Spain
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Dec 24, 2017· So here is the complete rebuild bearings and belts listing for the vari head and the low gear section in the Clausing-Kondia FV-1 manual: KONDIA DRW # COMMERCIAL PART # x # NEEDED Kondia CNC-825 FAG 6007-2ZR-C3 x 1 Kondia CNC-826 Fafnir/Timken 9110-PP (or 6010-ZZ used on the manual machine - they maybe interchangeable since they are listed as ...
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CNC Clausing Kondia vertical milling machine. Manufacturer: Clausing cnc Clausing Kondia vertical milling machine all new servo drive motors, 7500 in recent repairs. All receipts for complete machine history. see photos. only ever used for small light machineing of 1/4inch studs. ...
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