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Vilebrequin broyage Proses

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Vilebrequin swimsuits are treated to dry quickly. The mesh lining used in our men’s swim trunks is seamless and made out of the softest fabric for optimal comfort. A flap pocket is cut out and placed by hand on the back of every pair of swim trunks for it to match perfectly with the rest of the print.
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Vilebrequin was founded in 1971 in Saint-Tropez, and the spirit of '70s Côte d'Azur lives on in its vibrant colours and prints. Each pair of shorts goes through 32 scrupulous manufacturing steps to ensure uncompromising quality. Look out for smart loungewear and limited edition designs.
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163 products At Vilebrequin, there’s a different model of swimsuit for every man and every occasion. From the classic Moorea cut – the original swimwear style for men from the 1970’s – to the fitted stretch silhouette of the Merise, we offer a vast selection of men’s swim shorts.
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Vilebrequin. Vilebrequin has always cultivated a spirit of refinement and fantasy, and staying true to the casual charm the house was founded on in St Tropez in 1971. Perfectly tailored and always in style, Vilebrequin swimsuits have become a natural choice for generations of Father’s and Son’s.
The look was comfortable and cool, and the results were immediate. A trend was launched and the Vilebrequin brand was born. Prysquel launched a style where elegance meets flights of fancy, the 1970's St-Tropez and the sun-kissed lifestyle. Today Vilebrequin has been making incredible swimwear for more than 40 years.
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